18 August 2010 - Case #184

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Thanks to Dr. Samia Abdel Razik, Saudi-German Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for contributing this case. This case was reviewed in May 2020 by Dr. Jennifer Bennett, University of Chicago and Dr. Carlos Parra-Herran, University of Toronto.


The Genomic Health Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay provides early-stage ER-positive breast cancer patients with an individualized Recurrence Score result that assesses the benefit of chemotherapy and the likelihood of 10-year distant recurrence.

The Recurrence Score is calculated using RT-PCR technology to assess the expression of 21 genes in a patients FPET core biopsy or surgical excision sample.  The assay is precise, accurate, and highly reproducible over a wide dynamic range, with a success rate of >97%.  The assay is validated in 13 clinical studies involving more than 4000 patients.

For more information, please visit www.oncotypedx.com.

Oncotype DX and Recurrence Score are registered trademarks of Genomic Health, Inc.


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Case #184

Clinical history:
A 37 year old woman complained of lower abdominal pain. An abdominal ultrasound revealed a right ovarian solid mass, which was excised. The ovoid mass measured 5 x 4 cm and had a glistening smooth outer surface. The cut section was yellowish with areas of hemorrhage.

The tumor cells were immunoreactive only for vimentin (see below) and negative for cytokeratin, EMA, AFP and chromogranin. The vacuoles were negative for PAS, Alcian blue and Sudan III.

Gross images:

Microscopic images:

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Diagnosis: Ovarian signet ring stromal tumor

Ovarian signet ring stromal tumor, first described in 1976, is a very rare tumor, with < 20 cases reported to date (Cancer 1976;38:166).

Histologically, it is composed of spindle and round cells, which contain a large cytoplasmic vacuole which displaces the nucleus, resembling a signet ring. Numerous cells may show intracytoplasmic hyaline globules, which may actually be degenerating erythrocytes phagocytosed by the tumor cells (Ultrastruct Pathol 1995;19:401). The tumor cells are immunoreactive for vimentin, actin, inhibin and calretinin. They are negative for keratins, mucin and lipid stains.

The differential diagnosis includes other signet ring tumors, including Krukenberg tumor, primary or metastatic mucinous carcinoma of the ovary, mucinous carcinoid tumor and clear cell carcinoma. All of these tumors have some epithelial component that is immunoreactive with keratin. Krukenberg tumors are often bilateral or associated with extraovarian tumor. The signet ring cells are immunoreactive for keratin and PAS diastase and negative for vimentin (Int J Gynecol Pathol 2004;23:45).

Ovarian signet ring stromal tumor has benign behavior and excision is curative.

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