Table of Contents
Definition / general | Diagrams / tables | Mutations | Associated findings | Associated histological findings | Detection methods | Inhibitor therapy | Mechanisms of resistance | Emerging combination therapiesCite this page: Bradish J. BRAF-melanoma. website. Accessed January 21st, 2025.
Definition / general
- BRAF is the gene encoding the B-Raf enzyme, a serine / threonine kinase involved in cell replication within the MAP kinase pathway (J Transl Med 2012;10:85)
- BRAF may either form a heterodimer or homodimer for activation
- BRAF activation is enhanced by RAS
- Inhibition normally comes from ERK
- MEK is the only known substrate of BRAF and is activated through phosphorylation
- BRAF mutations are found in ~50% of all melanomas (N Engl J Med 2005;353:2135)
- The most common mutation is V600E, accounting for ~80 - 90% of all BRAF mutations identified
- Less common mutations include V600K (10 - 20%), V600R (up to 5%), K601E (< 1%), G469A (< 1%), D594G (< 1%), V600M (< 1%), V600 'E2' (< 1%), L597V (< 1%)
- BRAF appears to be nearly mutually exclusive with NRAS and KIT mutations
- Overall survival does not appear to be affected by different types of BRAF mutations
Associated findings
- Age < 55 years has been the #1 predictor of BRAF mutations (PLoS Med 2008;5:e120, Clin Cancer Res 2012;18:3242)
- Melanomas arising on nonchronically sun damaged skin, acquired nevi and nodal nevi also have an association with BRAF mutations
- Older age, melanomas arising from chronically sun damaged skin, melanomas arising in an acral or mucosal site and congenital nevi are NOT associated with BRAF mutations
Associated histological findings
- Larger, rounder and more pigmented melanocytes (PLoS Med 2008;5:e120)
- Pagetoid scatter
- Nest formation
- Sharp demarcation from uninvolved adjacent epidermis / dermis
- Thickened epidermis
- Ulceration, tumor thickness and mitotic count have NOT been associated with BRAF mutations
Detection methods
- Historically detected using Sanger sequencing (numerous truncated strands secondary to dideoxynucleoside truncation are run on a gel and sequence is determined by speed and fluorescent labeling)
- Cobas 4800 (Roche) testing is touted as a superior method of detection for V600E mutations but only detects ~50% V600K mutations and even lower detection for lower frequency mutations (Arch Pathol Lab Med 2012;136:1385)
- PCR kit (Qiagen) detects V600E, Ec, K, D and R
- PCR and DNA melting curve analysis
Inhibitor therapy
- All patients with unresectable stage III and IV are recommended to undergo BRAF mutation analysis
- Vemurafenib and dabrafenib are ATP competitive and selective BRAF inhibitors which have a high affinity for mutated BRAF enzymes and a much lower affinity for wild type enzymes
- BRAF inhibitors significantly improve both progression free survival and overall survival in patients with BRAF mutations (N Engl J Med 2012;366:707, N Engl J Med 2011;364:2507)
- Approximately 50% of patients respond (only 5% of patients on dacarbazine respond, the only chemotherapeutic drug approved by the FDA)
- Both a reduction in tumor size and a marked increase in tumor infiltrating CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes are seen (Clin Cancer Res 2012;18:1386)
- No impact on overall immune response has been noted
- Approximately 1/4 of patients on inhibitors develop classic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, keratoacathoma type, thought to be due to paradoxical activation of RAS mutations within keratinocytes
- Trametinib, a MEK inhibitor, has been shown to improve progression free survival and overall survival as well (N Engl J Med 2012;367:107)
Mechanisms of resistance
- After drug treatment, there is a high rate of resistance over time
- Mechanisms of resistance involve both the MAPK pathway and AKT pathway
- In the MAPK pathway, changes in NRAS, CRAF, MEK, ERK and COT have been described (Cancer Res 2008;68:4853, Nature 2010;468:973, J Clin Oncol 2011;29:3085)
- In the AKT pathway, changes in PDGFRβ and IGF1 have been described (Nature 2010;468:973, Cancer Cell 2010;18:683)
- One alternate splicing variant designated p61BRAF has also been described
Emerging combination therapies
- New combination therapies are being evaluated for preventing or overcoming BRAF inhibitor resistance (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013;110:4015)
- Both BRAF and MEK inhibitors as well as BRAF and mTOR inhibitors have been shown to overcome resistance in vitro
- Cross resistance between BRAF and MEK inhibition has also been described and may be secondary to the specific form of resistance employed (J Invest Dermatol 2012;132:1850)