Table of Contents
Definition / general | Epidemiology | Clinical features | Prognostic factors | Case reports | Molecular / cytogenetics description | Videos | Additional referencesCite this page: Islam S. Children. website. Accessed January 15th, 2025.
Definition / general
- Papillary (80%), follicular (10 - 20%), some cases historically may have been follicular variant of papillary carcinoma or Hürthle cell neoplasms (Am J Clin Pathol 2000;114:681), medullary (5%), anaplastic (rare)
- Increased risk for thyroid cancer in those < 1 year old who were exposed to Chernobyl fallout (J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2001;14 Suppl 5:1289, Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008;22:1061)
- Family history is also a risk factor
Clinical features
- Regional nodal metastases occur in 60 - 80%, distant metastases in 10 - 20% at diagnosis, often lung
Prognostic factors
- Usually more advanced disease than adults (cervical nodal metastases, distant metastases) but excellent prognosis (Hormones (Athens) 2007;6:200)
- Overall survival 100% and progression free survival is 77%, after median followup of 16 years (Am J Surg Pathol 2006;30:1420, Eur J Cancer 2006;42:2150)
- Tall cell morphology has no prognostic significance, in comparison with adults
Case reports
- 12 year old girl with extensive lung metastases (J Med Case Rep 2007;1:29)
Molecular / cytogenetics description
- RET rearrangements more common than adults, BRAF activation less common (20% versus 77% in adults, Mod Pathol 2005;18:898)
Pediatric thyroid nodules by A. Wassner and A. Bauer (2020)
Additional references